No theme or location on this post, simply a few shots that I have taken which I thought were interesting but didn't have enough decent shots to fill out a individual post.
I call these the randoms and decided to collate them into this one post.
The rapeseed fields I took while out on a bike ride. I only hand my phone with me to take these images and of the half dozen I took only these two came out half decent. I hope the subject overcomes the limitations of the camera.
After seeing Welbeck Abbey on a television programme we thought it would be a good place to visit and explore the very impressive gardens. The problem with that became apparent when we arrived to discover that the abbey and gardens are not open to the general public.
In the grounds next door to a large garden centre is the recently opened
Harley Gallery that is home to the Portland collection of fine art and antiques collected by various Dukes of Portland. If you're interested in art then it is worth a visit as it has a good range of paintings including Van Dyck, Joshua Reynolds and George Stubbs. The area outside caught my attention with the geometric design of the benches next to the sandy walls
The robin was also taken at Welbeck next to water feature.
The paraglider pictures I took from the back garden as it passed low over the neighbouring houses. I heard what I thought was a particularly loud petrol lawn mower and then looked up to see it coming towards the house, I had to run inside, grab the camera and fit the memory card before rushing back, pointing and clicking and hoping that the subject wasn't blurred.
At this time of year, the sunsets through the living room window can be impressive. I took these from the garden and the last of them I was virtually lying on the ground the get the red sky into the shot as this part of the garden faces towards the north.